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Dr. Js Beef

Sep 29, 2021

Graduate student from Kansas State University, Drew Lakamp, talks about his M.S. thesis project.  He discusses land-use efficiency based on cow size, lactation potential, and when needing to supplement cow-calf operation which is more energetically efficient - corn or milo. 

Sep 21, 2021

Blake Layton, Mississippi State extension entomologists, talks about the effects of army worms on forages and ways to control this pest.

Sep 14, 2021

Graudate student, Will Shaffer (, under guidance of Dr. Megan Rolf ( talks to us this week about the concept of phenotypic plasticity and potential usage in genetic evaluations for cattle.

Sep 7, 2021

Guest for the week is Romulo Lollato ( and he talks about managing wheat for both a grazeable pasture and harvesting for grain (dual-purpose wheat production system).  For more specifics about management options, please go to these resources: